The Hope of Technology
I love Hope Tech’s name. Our main goal truly is to breath hope and inspiration into the lives of local youth by introducing them to the world of technology and teaching them technical skills. It is by exposing students to something seemingly beyond their capability, and then helping them succeed, that we teach them that they are able to do more than they thought was possible. This is something that our youth in the inner cities desperately need. My new, while admittedly limited, exposure to the tech field is showing me that there is another reason Hope Tech’s name is so fitting. The number of open jobs in the technical field is astounding - and it only seems to keep growing. When I think of tech jobs, I tend to only think of IT and computer programming. But tech has infiltrated nearly every sphere of life and business. A large amount of modern marketing is done digitally on the internet and social media platforms. Web design, business analysis, the automotive industry, to name...