The Year for Desert Flowers
Man, am I happy to welcome in 2019! It’s a New Year, and with that a new start. I don’t know about you, but the last few years have been a trip. 2018 seemed to be the year of the quarter life crisis for us Melilials. We’ve aged out of our parents health care; the warm fuzzy college memories have faded as real life has smacked us in the face; the sudden realization that we have to decide NOW what to be when we grow up has us reeling; our political climate leaves us unsure of whether we should laugh or cry. For many, its safe to say that 2018 left us feeling a little dry. A wise professors once said: sometimes the desert seasons are the ones in which we grow the most, even though in the moment it feels like we’re doing anything but that. I don’t know if 2017 and 2018 are best described as a desert, draining me with its overwhelming dryness, or an ocean drowning me in its tumultuous waves. (A bit dramatic, I know but the imagery was too good pass up.) Which ever metaphor you ...